The IXO Spatial Web platform implements a whole-systems approach in which each physical or conceptual entity is represented as a Digital Twin Domain within a graph of inter-connected domains. Clean cooking systems serve as a practical example throughout this guide.

Digital Twin Domains

Different classes of entities have unique configurations of properties. For instance, an Organisational Domain always contains Membership Groups as Sub-domains.

Canonical Domain Classes

Physical Twins

Digital representations of physical devices and sensors (e.g., cooking stoves, IoT monitors, and tracked inventory)

Cognitive Twins

Digital models of organizational structures (e.g., projects, funders, distribution agents)

Twin Systems

Digital representation of the networks of relationships and interactions between real-world entities

Oracle Twins

AI-enabled agentic services performing evaluations, verification, and intelligent automations

Entity Structure

Domain Properties


W3C Decentralized Identifier for unique entity identification


Entity with update permissions


Associated services and endpoints


Issued certificates and proofs

Entity Relationships

Using Protocols

Protocols are templates that define standard properties and relationships for specific entity types. They can be customized for any domain.

Protocol Structure

  "type": "Protocol",
  "properties": {
    "metricOne": "string",
    "metricTwo": "number",
    "measurements": "object"
  "relationships": {
    "verifier": "OracleEntity",
    "operator": "OrganizationEntity"

Instantiating Entities

Next Steps

Entity Guide

Learn about entity management

Protocol Guide

Create custom protocols

Oracle Guide

Implement verification systems

Integration Guide

Connect physical devices